Become a part of Studenterkonsulenterne
Are you interested in becoming a part of Studenterkonsulenterne?
Sign up for our consultants database now.
We will contact you, as soon as we have a project
that suits you and your qualifications.
When you enter your personal information, you are registered as an applicant in Studenterkonsulenternes database. This means that we have access to your personal information if we need to contact you.
Your personal information will only be used by Studenterkonsulenterne in connection with employment. Your details are treated strictly confidentially.
Your data will be stored in the database for 3 years from the time of your registration. If you have submitted a CV, references, or similar attached documents, such documents will be deleted after 1 year.
At any time, upon request to Studenterkonsulenterne, you can have incorrect information corrected and/or have your registration deleted from the Studenerkonsulenternes database.